08 11 2019

Federal government gives additional money for battery research

After the dispute over the battery research factory in Münster, the federal government wants to make more money available for battery research. The roof concept is now to be extended by three competence clusters.

For the new clusters, 100 million euros will be available in 2020.  Scientists will be working on corresponding concepts until the end oft he year and, at the latest by the beginning of 2020, decisions will be taken on the distribution of available funding. "We support the new clusters, which address important issues for the economy and also reflect our research expertise," said Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut. "I expect that the Federal Ministry of Education and Research now quickly implements the announced measures in a transparent process and that a noteworthy amount will be spent on battery research in Baden-Württemberg."

Read the full article here.